Welcome To The Infant Program!
Infants = 0 - 18 Months
The infant room is a 12 month childcare program for infants up to 18 months and is open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. This room has a 1 staff to 3 children ratio, the maximum capacity is 10 children.
Language acquisition is a major focus in the infant room. From the first babbles to the emergence of two word sentences, we focus on language in all areas of the program.
Children also engage in art and sensory activities daily and participate in cognitive and manipulative activities that are based on their development level. There is a music specialist who comes in twice a month.
The infant staff complete ongoing developmental profiles on each baby to ensure milestones are being met and the weekly curriculum is designed to meet infants' daily needs.
Want to Apply?
Applying for this program online is simple. Just complete our form and we'll take care of the rest!